Hey there everyone, can you believe it, I'm posting today! Talk about busy! Here are some gifts that were my favorites at our Church Ladies Fellowship Christmas party last night. We always have so much fun. We can make a gift or bring one and on the outside of the package find a scripture that will give a clue to what's inside. Then we draw numbers and go in order and of course you want #1 because you get to pick from it all when it's done. I got #2
sooo I didn't end up with what I really wanted but I got a really pretty angel necklace with
earings to match. Anyway here we

This was the project I made our
SU calendar papers added to some of our
SU blocks. This was a total CASE from
TIffany's Blog "My Crafty World". So thank you Tiffany you were a life saver.

After I finished this I really
didn't want to give it up, but I did, now to order some more
calendars and blocks!!!

This is Becky
Bellinger and she is holding the gift she actually got to keep! Your so lucky Becky! Her sister Jennifer Young had altered this for her gift. She took an old window and painted part of it with the blackboard paint, corked the other side, used scrabble tiles to spell notes and added a couple of clothespins to the side. What's funny is Becky had put the little green box in a garage sale and Jennifer had ask her if she could have it.
LOL to funny! Glad you ended up with it Becky!

This last gift was the one Becky altered using a photo box. It was mine for about 1 minute! I told you I got #2! ): Anyway she used an old cookbook to make the dividers and them old
recipes and magazines to cover the outside. It was really neat! Hope you all have a great day, I've gotta go do some Christmas cards and put up my tree, you heard right, MY TREE IS NOT UP YET!