Friday, November 28, 2008
Crafty Christmas Stamp-a- Stack
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! Hey what do you all think of SU's Holiday Extravaganza Sale. I think they've got some great stuff on sale. Check out my SU website if you haven't viewed the sale yet. I need to get off of here and start working on my stuff for our annual Christmas Stamp-a-Stack which is Sunday. I am such a procrastinator. I've got my ideas, just no motivation. Ok, Well check back in a couple of days and see how it went. I think we've got 42 signed up to come so far! That's pretty exciting. Gotta go stamp. Everyone have a nice week-end.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
What I'm Thankful For
This time of year makes you really think about what your thankful for, and I've got a lot to be thankful for. Ten years ago my dad had just passed away from Mesatheleoma in September. It was a very hard time for us. The Thanksgiving after he passed away my son who was nineteen kept complaining of his shoulder hurting. He was a skateboarder so we thought he just had landed on it. The pain kept getting worse. I took him to the doctor, couldn't find anything wrong. He wasn't any better by the next week and had a low grade fever he couldn't get rid of and seemed really tired. Back to the doctor, blood work, cortisone shot in the arm and a z-pac. Blood work showed nothing. Back home, a few days later he couldn't walk upright, doubled over, very tired. Back to the doctor, his spleen was swelled up, more blood work. (Shoulder pain was referred pain from the spleen.) Went home to wait for a call. Call came, "get to the hospital ASAP!" Two days later after more tests and an ambulance ride up to Indianapolis, Michael was diagnosed with Leukemia. Got his first chemo treatment on Christmas Eve 1998. (Not exactly what ever 18 year old wants for Christmas.) Ginny our only other child was a perfect match and the following May before she turned 16 she gave her brother a Bone marrow transplant that saved his life. What am I thankful for? Our God that hears and answers prayers, my children, a loving husband, family, my church family, friends, doctors, hospitals, a country where I can chose where we can get hospital treatment, food, shelter, a free country and the men and women who defend her so we can be free. That's what I thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Take care.
Some pictures of a few craft fair items.
These are some of the items I had for sale at the craft show last Friday. I also sold the Hershey bar holders and some of the Tic Tac holders. I used the white stazon to stamp on the clear top of the tins. The designer paper I used was SU Ski Slope, which I LOVE! The round tin at the top is about 3" in diameter and I got them from The nugget tins came from specialty And the last picture is of another notebook I did. Notebooks came from Office Max. You can by them in a pack of 4 for around $5.25. The Fresh Cut Notes fit on the front perfect! Well I gotta go get ready for our Crafty Christmas Stamp-A-Stack which is on Sunday afternoon. See everyone later.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Another Craft Fair
I did another craft fair yesterday and this one did not go as well as the Pumpkin Patch. I didn't think there were as many people at this one as there was at it last year. All the other venders agreed with me. I'll try and post some things I sold on Monday. I altered some of the clear tins that hold 12 Hershey nuggets, did some of the little candy bar holders, tins with pepperments, felt flowers, some notebook and pen sets, and some tic tac holders. I'll see if I can get some good pictures this time.
Friday, November 21, 2008
I'm so excited! I got a blog award!

The rules that go along with this award are:
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to their blogs.
5. Leave a message for you nominees.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Two Posts in One Day! Be sure and scroll down and see what we made last night also but here is tonight's Workshop Make and Takes.
More workshop goodies
Sorry I've been gone so long, but things have been very busy araound here! We finally finished up the crops about a week and a half ago and since then I've been working on my niece's wedding. Turns out I had to make a dress for my other niece a week before the wedding! Turned out great and was super easy to make. The wedding was very nice and went off without a hitch, even though it was a cold and rainy day. So I got to rest a little Sunday and then I had a workshop to get ready for yesterday. Here are some of the things I came up with including my version of Million Dollar Mary's progressive scrapbook page. Don't have a post of the cards we made, but will get that on here later. I've got another workshop tonight so I'll have some more things to add in the next few days. Thanks for checking in. Come back and "Stamp a Little Longer", soon. PS I'm also very excited to be nominated for a blog award and if I've ever got time enough to figure out how to put it on here I will. Thanks!
Friday, November 7, 2008
3 pc Gift Set
Here is a picture of the set we will be making at my churches ladies fellowship next week. What do you all think. There are going to be different color combos using all the new yummy DSP paper. I really love the Sweet Always grouping that I just came up with! but I don't need to make another one for show. I've got to save some for the ladies. Maybe I can post a picture of all of them when there done. For all the ingredients check out my scs gallery:
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Almost Done!
We are almost done in the fields! Beans are cut and just 40 or so acres of corn! If it hadn't rained us out we'ld been done. Oh well, it's pretty darn close. Tomorrow I'll post a 3 pc gift set that I am having the Ladies Fellowship at my church make this month. It includes a 4 x 8 spiral notebook, checkbook cover, and ink pen to match. It's very nice looking. A friend and customer of mine (Eunice) gave me the idea. She's making sets of all the four seasons for some of her friends for Christmas. Thank you Eunice for finding these notebooks for me! I've been trying to find that size of notebook ever since I got back from convention with a SCS swap I was in, I think it was the Workshop WOW swap. Vicky Kahlandt did a wonderful Birthday Calender and matching pen. It was so beautiful. I'll try and post it for you to see also. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
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