Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Remember, Jesus is the true reason for the season!


  1. Hope you had a fantastic Christmas! Please accept my apologies for not visiting lately! Happy New Year!

    Amy J

  2. Ditto on what Burninrubber said! Did I comment on that monochromatic card? If not, I really like it. Monochromatic cards have such a touch of classiness about them- don't ya think? I think yours does! Happy New Year!

  3. Now I can't find the monochromatic card. Well, in case it was on another blog- it is still beautiful! Good grief, I am such a ditz! LOL! O.K., Twila, in case you haven't done a monochromatic card- you should really do one. I bet with your talent the results would be fantastic!

  4. Hey Twila

    Happy New Year!!! All the best for the coming year aswell!!!!!

    Jaz xox


Please fill free to leave me a comment and let me know what you think. Thanks for visiting and come back soon to stamp a little longer.