Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Leaving on Vacation

Hey everyone, just letting you know that I'm checking out for awhile, we leave tomorrow on the trip our family gave us for our 30th wedding anniversary. So I won't be able to look in and leave any comments for awhile on your blogs. So don't go and do anything too cute while I'm away!!! (which will not happen!) I'll catch up when I get back, I promise.


  1. I posted on SA as well, but I don't think you can congratulate one enough for thirty years of marriage! Have a wonderful trip!!

    xo B.

  2. Hi Twila,

    Yes, I have 8 1/2 x 11 and 12 x 12 in one spot. I didn't see the need or space to have both sizes for storage lol!! The punches are just on towel bars for the bathroom, except the bottom one is a small curtain rod. The ribbon is in a kitchen organizer thing that would usually hold spices or something. They came with an over the door organizer. I got that idea here


Please fill free to leave me a comment and let me know what you think. Thanks for visiting and come back soon to stamp a little longer.