Friday, May 20, 2011

Jessi's Graduation Announcement

OMGosh! is this not the cutest graduation announcement you've ever seen? A good friend of mine sent us an invite to her daughter's graduation and open house. It's like a matchbook card. So cute! Thanks for letting me share it with my online friends, Jennifer. ♥


Yapha said...

That is fabulous! What a great idea!

Tanya Boser said...

Oh, that is stinkin' cute!!! What a great idea! I love that photo too!

Anonymous said...

Adorable. Such a neat and different idea and the picture is so sweet. Grown up but you can still see a little girl in her.

Holly / InkPaperStamps said...

Wow! A beautiful invitation for a beautiful young lady. . . . congrats to the new grad!

Holly/Rubber Redneck said...

Very cool idea and adorable!

Mickey Roberts said...

How special! Much nicer than the mass produced ones from the stationery company.

Heidi B said...

Who needs to spend money on preprinted announcements? Save it for stamping supplies! :) Lovely!

Sara Mattson-Blume said...

Great idea!